
About Rama

James Wilkie's Guide & Doorkeeper


My guide, I was told later—for, of course, I remember nothing that happens when I am in a deep trance, any more than a hypnotized person does—announced himself as Rama, said he had been a priest in Egypt some 4,000 years ago, and promised to communicate through me in trance whenever I permitted him to. And he has kept that promise.

Rama, to me, is more real than the flesh-and-blood people I meet every day. Some psychologists, I know, suggest that he is a secondary personality—part of my own subconscious mind. Well, I'm not a psychologist. But my answer to that is that I'll believe it when my guide appears to me wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes! Until then, I'll accept him for what he says he is—a highly evolved spirit being who has been drawn to me by the law of spiritual attraction and who works through me as his instrument.

Rama said he had been a priest in Egypt some 4,000 years ago

Rama - James Wilkie's Doorkeeper
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Rama Guide & Doorkeeper
Audio Transcript

My first conscious awareness of the existence of Egypt and things Egyptian came from my father's reminiscences of his experiences in World War I. He had been with the Camel Corps and had learned to speak and write fluent Arabic. He retained a fondness for the Arab people, and I was used to his bringing home Arab workers from the dockyards near our home in Scotland.

It is interesting, in my eyes, that Egypt was to become very important to me, as it was to my father, but for a much different reason.

As a school child I often had a clairvoyant vision of a large brown hand which appeared before my eyes. I followed the hand, which seemed to beckon, sometimes for hours. I was punished for running away so much. But when asked why I did it, I couldn't tell. Even at that tender age I knew that nobody would understand a story about a disembodied hand beckoning me. And I couldn't explain the spell which seemed to come over me when the hand appeared.

Sometimes, I would come to myself and find that I was miles out in the country, sitting on some lonely rock where I had been, maybe for hours, brooding on mysteries which I couldn't even remember, much less understand.

Strangely, during these times of truancy, I was never hungry or tired. But when I got home a thrashing usually was waiting for me. My father took a dim view of talk about visions.

Now, of course, I realize that I was in what spiritualists call an "overshadowed" state—a condition on the edge of deep trance in which there is a total unconsciousness. In the overshadowed, or light trance state, there is an awareness of surroundings but they seem dim, remote, as they do after a shot of a sedative which induces drowsiness but not actual slumber.

Throughout those early experiences, even when I didn't know why I was doing what I was doing, I sensed a profound love protecting me. Intuitively, I knew the experiences were good—that some beneficent and wise force was leading me, for reasons which eventually would be revealed. Even as a very young child I sensed this, though I probably couldn't have put it into words.

It was when I was twelve years old, and sitting as a member of a spiritualist circle for the development of mediumship, that I first went into a deep trance

James Wilkie in Trance
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In Trance
It was when I was twelve years old, and sitting as a member of a spiritualist circle for the development of mediumship, that I first went into a deep trance. That first experience was incomplete and something of a shock. As I felt this other presence invading my mind in a more powerful way than before, and realized that I was losing control of myself—I panicked. My body began to twitch as I struggled against the influence of my spirit guide. It must have been a sight to behold. Finally, I staggered to my feet and, without intending to, fell against a china cabinet.

The next time, things went more smoothly. I trusted my guide and had made up my mind to surrender to him fully. Then I felt for the first time that moment of ecstasy which comes always now just as I am leaving my physical body and my guide is taking over.

My guide, I was told later—for, of course, I remember nothing that happens when I am in a deep trance, any more than a hypnotized person does—announced himself as Rama, said he had been a priest in Egypt some 4,000 years ago, and promised to communicate through me in trance whenever I permitted him to. And he has kept that promise.

James Wilkie Healing in Trance
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Healing in Trance in Idaho
Rama, to me, is more real than the flesh-and-blood people I meet every day. Some psychologists, I know, suggest that he is a secondary personality—part of my own subconscious mind. Well, I'm not a psychologist. But my answer to that is that I'll believe it when my guide appears to me wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes! Until then, I'll accept him for what he says he is—a highly evolved spirit being who has been drawn to me by the law of spiritual attraction and who works through me as his instrument.

I am aware that my guide loves me. He usually refers to me, when speaking in trance, as "my beloved one," or "my beloved instrument." At times of depression or disappointment in my life he has come to comfort me. And I have been aware at those times of a great love, waves and waves of it, pouring over me from the spirit world.

The interest our spiritual guides take in our lives is intensely deep. When my wife was expecting her first child ... we had at this time no conceivable idea of when the coming child would be born. That day the doctor had said that he thought my wife would go into labor in four or five weeks' time. This idea had been implanted deeply in my wife's mind.

James Wilkie Healing in Trance
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Healing in Trance in Toronto

However, Rama had different ideas. When he came through in trance, the first thing he did was to speak to my wife and reassure her that she was carrying a healthy boy and that there was no cause for fear. The baby, he said firmly, would be born in two days, at 2 P.M.

Well, here was a clear-cut prophecy, about as specific as you could ask for—and with the Catholic couple as witnesses. And two days later my wife went into labor. At 2 P.M., in the home of my wife's mother, our first son was born.

It is a mistake to think that our spirit guides come to live our lives for us
However, it is a mistake to think (as some people obviously do, as indicated by the questions they ask me) that our spirit guides come to live our lives for us. They do not. Though he is always ready to help me, Rama cannot take my problems on his own shoulders. I must work out my own salvation. Rama cannot snatch me out of situations which my own mistakes have created. To do so would be to rob me of the only opportunity I have to grow spiritually.

We grow, after all, by learning from our mistakes and by vowing, after each failure, to do better.

A question I am often asked is: Does everybody have a spirit guide?
A question I am often asked is: Does everybody have a spirit guide? The answer is yes. As Rama expresses it: "Every soul has a friend in the spirit world; it is a law of spirit."

The mission of each guide is not to turn every thorn into a rose, because this is not possible, but to lead each person along the spiritual pathway.

My own guide, Rama, has communicated a little about his past earth life
My own guide, Rama, has communicated a little about his past earth life. However, he says it is hard for him to remember—"harder," he told one sitter, "than it is for you to remember what you did when you were six years old."

One healing was memorable because it involved an astral visit by Rama which was witnessed by other people
One healing was memorable because it involved an astral visit by Rama which was witnessed by other people. A nurse from England, Mrs. David Whitman, came to me one day when I was living in Newmarket, Ontario. She brought her young baby who had been born with a serious eye defect—a condition of the tear duct—which the doctors said they might be able to correct when the child was older. I agreed to give the child spiritual healing.

The night after I had given the third treatment something unusual happened.

The Whitmans awakened in the middle of the night to see a strange sight. Over the baby's crib—which was in the corner of their bedroom—they saw a dazzling light, in the shape of a bow, or even a human form. Both thought at the same instant: "This has something to do with Jimmie Wilkie and the baby's healing." And the next moment, both were sure that what they were seeing was Rama's visible presence.

Then the strange light vanished. Upon checking, the Whitmans could find no normal explanation for what they had seen—no source for the peculiar light.

The baby was sleeping peacefully in the crib, undisturbed by the strange happening. The Whitmans went back to bed with a feeling of peace.

The next morning Mrs. Whitman found that the baby's eye was completely normal. And it has remained normal to this day.

I usually can detect this when cancer is present
On another, more recent occasion, a nurse, who was pregnant, met me at a dinner party and laughingly asked if I had any prophecy for her. I said yes, that, as a matter of fact, I got the distinct impression that she was going to give birth to twins. She looked surprised and somewhat amused and replied that if that were so, she had no inkling of it. However, a few months later she did become the mother of twins.

Then, shortly, she and her husband were plunged into despair when the doctors said they had found cancer in her. She faced prolonged treatment, possibly radical surgery. At her husband's request, I went to see the new mother in the hospital. I found her, as you might imagine, deeply depressed. But, narrowing my eyes and looking at her aura—the atmosphere of color which I can see around people whenever I want to make the effort—I could see no murky patch or distortion; I usually can detect this when cancer is present. I told the young woman this and reassured her that my prediction was that she would be found not to have cancer at all.

A few days later the prediction came true. The surgeons found another condition, with symptons similar to cancer, but which, happily, was easily correctable.

Let me describe a little more fully how Rama entrances me
James Wilkie Healing in Trance Jimmy in Trance
When I am going to give a trance sitting, I become aware of my guide's presence perhaps an hour before, am conscious that he is very close to me. This, I believe, is a sign that he is invading my aura in preparation for controlling my personality.

A drowsiness creeps over me. Astute observers who have known me for a long time often can tell when Rama is drawing near. They tell me that my appearance changes, my complexion noticeably darkening and even the structure of my face seeming to alter. I look very sleepy, my eyes becoming heavy lidded.

You could say that in the moments before the actual enhancement begins I look like someone who is about to doze off.

The actual trance begins when a group of us—maybe as few as two, the sitter and myself, or as many as twenty—sit in a circle. I try to seat on either side of me two persons who are good batteries, that is, individuals from whom I sense that I will be able to draw psychic power. Such persons sometimes report peculiar sensations themselves during the process of my enhancement.

At one seance a psychiatrist and his wife, both of whom knew themselves to be highly psychic because of previous experiences, reported such unusual sensations. They were seated apart in the seance and neither noticed what was happening to the other. The psychiatrist said that as I started to go into trance he felt a peculiar drawing sensation in his solar plexus (which, incidentally, is the location of a psychic center in the body from which mediums can draw energy) and at the same time started to breathe very rapidly. He became dizzy and felt faint. Then the sensation passed.

Meanwhile the psychiatrist's wife felt herself sinking into a deep drowsiness, almost as though she were going into trance along with me. Her head sank lower and lower until it was almost in her lap. At this point she snapped herself out of it, and the drowsiness passed.

The process begins with a mental invitation for Rama to take over my body. He is an invited guest, not an intruder
James Wilklie in Trance
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James Wilkie in Trance
As I am going into trance, I experience some peculiar things. The process begins with a mental invitation for Rama to take over my body. He is an invited guest, not an intruder.

I breathe very deeply. Then I feel a weight settling down on my shoulders, for all the world as if someone had laid a heavy cloak on me. This, I believe, is the cloak which Rama wears in my clairvoyant visions of him.

At the same time a sense of being very old—ancient, really—creeps over me. And then I experience the actual moment of leaving my physical body. I can't describe this feeling except to say that it is the purest ecstasy I've ever known—no cares, no worries.

At that point I usually become completely unconscious and know nothing until I come out of the trance in an hour or maybe two. However, there are times when the trance is not quite so deep and I can faintly hear Rama speaking as though I were listening from the end of a very long tunnel.

What happens, apparently, as Rama takes over my body is that my etheric or spirit body is displaced a short distance out of my physical frame and my guide's etheric form temporarily occupies my physical being. You could say that, in a sense, I'm temporarily dead and Rama is temporarily incarnated again in physical form.

Rama usually opens the seance with a greeting to those gathered. It may be: "We bring you greetings from the world of Spirit and we say God bless you." Sometimes it varies.

Once, when I was emotionally upset and my guide had quite a struggle to get control, he started with the words: "Sometimes I feel I am coming through heaven and hell to control this instrument. There is always this slight fear within the body, especially when meeting newcomers to this truth. But we say to you God bless you. We are very happy for to come ..."

Rama's diction, as I've listened to it on tape, is different from mine
Rama's diction, as I've listened to it on tape, is different from mine. He sometimes uses words that I don't use. My Scottish burr goes almost completely.

During a trance sitting, Rama may pass on messages to those present from friends or loved ones in the spirit world. Or he may answer questions about various topics. Often these topics concern people. Just mentioning the name of a person enables the guide to pick up present and sometimes future conditions surrounding the person.

Rama explains the process this way: "I have first to concentrate on the person's name itself and then to tap the universal mind, you understand. Try to realize that you are putting into operation a certain law of spirit when you mention a name of someone in your world."

Rama began to "shake" me—a sign that he wants to come through immediately
Sometimes Rama has forcibly taken over my body to administer healing to someone in special need. This happens rarely but, once, in the early years of my psychic development, it occurred and scared the wits out of a patient.

I was an apprentice house painter in Scotland at the time, and one of my fellow workers, another apprentice, had a history of tuberculosis. Suddenly I realized that he had an active and serious tuburcular condition at that moment. Rama began to "shake" me—a sign that he wants to come through immediately. I let go and went into deep trance. The apprentice told me later what happened then. Rama—or I, controlled by Rama—took the young man by the shoulders, gently but firmly had him lie down on the floor, and then proceeded to massage his chest violently, with great sweeping movements of my hands. Terrified at first, the apprentice then felt sensations of heat and tingling in his chest, followed by a sense of well being such as he hadn't had in longer than he could remember. From that day on, his condition improved and I later saw that same young man enter the British Navy.

There have been a few occasions when Rama has come through without my conscious permission, usually at times of emergency.

One of the most costly disasters of the war occurred in the Italian port of Bari, Dec. 2, 1943, during the invasion of Italy
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Ships Burning at Bari
During World War II, I served as a stoker aboard a British merchant ship. In 1943 we were lying at anchor with a fleet of other ships in the harbor at Bari, Italy. Suddenly, Rama began to "shake" me—a sign that he wants to come through, and in a hurry. I blacked out almost on the spot. Rama spoke through my lips to the astounded crew members standing by—who knew about my mediumship and believed in it—and said: "In three days there will be death and destruction all around. Beware!"

Sure enough, three days later German dive bombers, in a surprise attack, blasted most of that fleet out of the water.

Bari - the Second Pearl Harbor

Bari Italy disaster. One of the most costly disasters of the war occurred in the Italian port of Bari, Dec. 2, 1943, during the invasion of Italy. A German air attack sank 17 Allied merchant ships with a loss of more than 1,000 lives. One of the five American ships destroyed that day was the SS John Harvey which carried a secret cargo of 100 tons of mustard gas bombs. When these exploded, hundreds of mariners, navy sailors and civilians were affected. Many died from the effects of the mustard gas.

Rama has always shown a deep understanding of my problems and a desire to help in any way he can. Once, while I was in trance, he expounded to an intelligent and sympathetic sitter on the emotional roots of some of my personal problems, bringing out insights of which I would have been incapable. And then he went on to suggest ways and means for coping with the problems.

Often Rama has been asked why he chose me as his medium and what the future holds for him after I die
"Rama," a sitter once asked, "do you think you'll ever come back to earth as a human being?" "Many times I have given that thought," he replied. "But at the present time I have a mission to accomplish through my beloved one and this I will do.

"I myself, could I say, am under the influence of the masters who are beyond me. And it is their bidding I must serve. When the time comes and I retire from working through the beloved one, then I will consider what I can do in your world and whether it is necessary to return and work through again."

To be continued...

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