Books, Newspaper & Magazine articles
TV and Radio appearances, Lectures & other references
James Wilkie offered his gifts freely to research and devoted his life to helping humanity. This is a list of so far documented media references.
The Gift Within by James H.P. Wilkie
Experiences of a Spiritual Medium
Mediumship is a very lovely and Spiritual gift and accompanies the soul at birth, it can neither be sold or bought. It is truly given to bring the Glory of God to a needy world and tells us of the talents we possess and how to develop and use them properly. Then humanity can benefit by its cause and understand the world here and also hereafter. Many disguise their gifts in Orthodox form—calling themselves divine ones, or mystics, etc., but regardless of their terms, it is only their mediumship in its degree of evolution that can make them do good amongst men. More ...
The Gift Within by James H.P. Wilkie
Revised edition with an introduction by Allen Spraggett.
Mediums are astronauts of the spirit, explorers of that other new frontier which is even more exciting and potentially more important than outer space—the world of inner space, the new horizon of the mind. More ...
The Unexplained by Allen Spraggett
Jim Wilkie's mediumship is of the highest order. He regards his psychic gift as a solemn trust and its use as a religious ministry. His primary goal is to be of use to people, and I know that he has been just that, often selflessly and sacrificially. Like all reputable psychics, he is ashamed of the swindlers who still infest the ranks of mediumship and exploit the credulous. More ...
Psychic Mysteries of Canada by A.R.G. Owen
Canada too has great psychics like James Wilkie...For example, on 13 September 1962, James Wilkie made a very striking predicition while making a recorded interview for Tempo Toronto, a nightly radio show. Wilkie said a total war was nearer than at any time since 1945. There would be a crisis centered on Havana. Disaster would be averted but only after a build-up of United States forces in Florida for an invasion of Cuba. At that time no member of the public knew of the Russian missiles in Cuba... More ...
Psychic Mysteries of the North by A.R.G. Owen
The same book as above but published by Harper & Row in the United States.
Mysterious Encounters by John Robert Colombo
At another point James came to something that checked out amazingly. "There is a man who has spent some time in India, he is a minister and has been head over something in the teaching field. He is a friend, and will be getting in touch with you within a month; something that you have written has impressed him strongly, and he will want to contact you to suggest certain lines of action, apparently in the field of spiritual healing." At once I cast around in my mind for anyone this might be, and thought of several people, but subsequent events proved that it was none of these. Some weeks later, a friend did approach me about having discussions on spiritual healing. The man is a minister and had previously occupied a teaching post in a boy's school in India, something he had never before divulged to me. More ...
MACLEANS Magazine - One of My Best Friends is a Ghost
No, not the kind that haunts houses; he prefers people to old ruins.
Rama is Wilkie's "spirit guide" or "control"—the trance personality that regularly manifests through him. Every medium has such a guide—a kind of ghostly collaborator who helps things along from the Other Side, and drops in during seances to say a few words through his entranced mouthpiece. More ...
Rama Speaks - Weekly Column in TV Times
TV WEEK FAMILY MAGAZINE will be pleased to direct your questions and comments of a psychic nature to Jimmy Wilkie, Internationally-acclaimed Medium.
Jimmy first became aware of his psychic powers at age 12, in his native Scotland, and began a lifetime communication with Rama, his spirit guide. His knowledge of a variety of metaphysical subjects, include—clairvoyance, ESP, telepathy, precognition, and reincarnation. His ability to look deeper into a person's character merely from his sensitivity to their aura, their writing, their voice, or a photograph, has proven to be a great asset in the guidance he is able to offer.
Mr. Wilkie will be pleased to answer your questions in his exclusive TV WEEK column "Rama Speaks," beginning in mid June.
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CBC - James Wilkie is interviewed by David Berner
A four minute CBC footage of James Wilkie being interviewed by David Berner in 1978. Thank you Colin Preston, Library Coordinator CBC Vancouver, for finding this film clip. More ...
CBC - With Live audience on Occult
"I want to take this opportunity to thank you very much for your recent guest appearance on OCCULT. I can fully appreciate the tremendous strain you must have been under, and the extreme difficulty you must have had in making 'Rama' appear under such trying circumstances. Television studios with lights and cameras, and especially a live audience are not the most condusive elements in creating the right atmosphere for a live seance. However, everybody I talked with in the audience and after the show agreed it was a most extraordinary 'happening' and that the discussion afterwards was very interesting. I was very pleased with the show myself."
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CKEY 580 Toronto - Perryscope
"I have been amazed at the number of your predictations that have come true ...."
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CTV - Perry's Probe
Toronto newsman and interviewer Norm Perry hosted this half-hour investigative journalism series for the 1968-69 season. Perry later was co-host of Canada AM, where he occupied one of the anchor chairs from 1975 to 1990.
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A.R.E. 1978
I want to thank you again very deeply for your visit to Virginia Beach, was certainly valuable for us and I hope a good experience for you.
I was very pleased, personally, to renew a friendship from times past and to have the challenge of discovering a way in which we might work together. This may take some time but I am sure it is possible.
I especially want to thank you for your willingness to work and for the openness and directness, without hesitation, with which you were willing to try whatever tasks we suggested.
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A.R.E. 1983
Your work as a psychic has been highly recommended...[you are] one of the truly great living psychics...
We are all about to embark on a parapsychological research project at A.R.E. which I think may make important contributions to our understanding of how to work with sources of guidance. I want to invite you to be one of the psychics with whom we work on this project.
Enclosed you will find a description of the research project... Please let me know as soon as possible if you can participate. It would involve your setting aside some time between
Our research committee is also very interested in hearing from the participating psychics on ideas about the project itself - design, purposes, procedures, etc. Perhaps you would be willing to do a reading for us about the project. Let me know about this, as well.
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Edgar Mitchell—Astronaut
"I can't begin to tell you how much I profited and enjoyed the discussions with you last week. I admire the level of awareness and wisdom that you have attained through your experiences..."
Edgar D. Mitchell-Astronaut and Pilot of Lunar Module Apollo 14.
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CJOR - Noon Report with Jack Webster
"Wilkie, you're extraordinary and just great. Wilkie, you've put me at peace."
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CJOR - Hotline with Pat Burns
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CJOR - Reaction Line with Ed Murphy
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CKWX - Numerous programs & occasions by demand
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CKEY 580 Toronto - Jim Muir
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CKEY 580 - Tempo Toronto
On 13 September 1962, James Wilkie made a very striking prediction while making a recorded interview for Tempo Toronto, a nightly radio show. Present in the CKEY Studio were Norm Perry, Michael Hunt, Brad Crandall, and Allen Spraggett. Wilkie said that total war was nearer than at any time since 1945. There would be a crisis centered on Havana. Disaster would be averted but only after a build-up of United States forces in Florida for an invasion of Cuba (Spraggett, 1967).
At that time no member of the public knew of the Russian missiles in Cuba.
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CBC - Take Thirty
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CBC - Hourglass with Dave Brock
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CBC - The Bruno Gerussi Show
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CBC - The Donn Simms Show
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CTV - The Mark Raines Show
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CKNW - Mark Raines
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Muzak Corp. - Richard C. Simonton
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Kinsmen Club - Fundraising
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